Process Killer

Click the 'Process Killer' on the toolbar.It will list all programs which are currently running in the system.

Force-quit a running program

  1. Select the program you want to force-quit.
  2. Click the 'Kill Process' button or right click mouse on the list and select 'Kill Process' menu item.
  3. The confirmation dialog will be displayed to make sure you want to force-quit the selected running progarm.
  4. Click on the 'Yes' Button.

Find a program in the list
In the Find field you can enter an entire program name (such as Microsoft Office), or only a part of the name (such as office); then just click on the 'Find' button to locate that program in the list

Open properties dialog of the selected program
You can open properties dialog of the selected program in process list by double-click the selected program.Also you can open properties dialog of the selected program in process list by right click mouse on the list and select 'Properties' menu item.